Plans, Studies and Maps
This page will link you to the plans, studies and maps related to aquatic ecosystem health and salmon habitat in the Green/Duwamish and Central Puget Sound Watershed (WRIA 9).
For an overview of the watershed and why we we are addressing salmon habitat on the watershed basis, view the watershed introduction page.
Included here are:
- Planning Document and Resources
- Studies and Technical Reports
- Maps and Mapping Tools
- Other Resources
WRIA 9 Salmon Habitat Plan 2021 Update (Plan Update)
WRIA 9 is pleased to release the 2021 Update to the 2005 Green/Duwamish and Central Puget Sound Watershed Salmon Habitat Plan, “Making Our Watershed Fit for a King.” The Plan Update was approved by the Watershed Ecosystem Forum on February 11, 2021. This Update represents the next chapter of salmon recovery efforts in watershed. It provides a science-based framework for identifying, prioritizing and implementing salmon recovery actions over the next 10-15 years. The Plan Update integrates over a decade of new science and monitoring; provides updated habitat goals; outlines refined recovery strategies and embedded policies and programs; updates the capital projects list; and outlines a monitoring and adaptive framework for tracking implementation and making strategic adjustments.
Planning Documents and Resources
- Four-Year Work Plan Project List - 2018 (July 2018) (Adobe Acrobat)
- Re-Green the Green: Riparian Revegetation Strategy for the Green/Duwamish and Central Puget Sound Watershed (October 14, 2016)
- Implementation Progress Report 2005-2014 (March 2015)
- Duwamish Blueprint: Saving Habitat in the Transistion Zone (November 2014)
- Three-Year Work Plan Project List - 2014 (May 30, 2014)(Adobe Acrobat)
- Three-Year Work Plan Narrative - 2014 (May 30, 2014)(Adobe Acrobat)
- Three-Year Work Plan Project List - 2013 (May 23, 2013)(Adobe Acrobat)
- Three-Year Work Plan Project List - 2012 (2012)(Adobe Acrobat)
- WRIA 9 Implementation Progress Report 2005-2011 (May 2012)
- First Annual Progress Report on Implementation of the Salmon Habitat Plan (July 2008)(Adobe Acrobat 3 MB)
- Middle Green River Restoration Blueprint: An Approach to Restoring Ecological Processes (March 2006)(Adobe Acrobat 11.26 MB)
- Final Addendum to a Strategy for Prioritizing Potential WRIA 9 Habitat Actions: Report to the WRIA 9 Steering Committee by the Science Panel (July 2005)(Adobe Acrobat 2.6 MB)
- Prioritization of Potential WRIA 9 Habitat Actions: Report to the WRIA 9 Steering Committee by the Science Panel (February 2005)(Adobe Acrobat 5.7 MB)
- Salmon Habitat Plan: "Making Our Watershed Fit for a King" (August 2005)
- Salmon Habitat Plan Amendments 2007 (November 2007)(Adobe Acrobat 903 KB)
- Implementation Guidance for the WRIA 9 Salmon Habitat Plan (November 2006)(Adobe Acrobat 1.2 MB)
- WRIA 9 Partnership Accomplishments:
- 2008 Accomplishments by the WRIA 9 Partnership (Adobe Acrobat)
- 2009 Accomplishments by the WRIA 9 Partnership (Adobe Acrobat)
- 2010 Accomplishments by the WRIA 9 Partnership (Adobe Acrobat)
- Lead Entity Habitat Work Schedule (Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife)
- Funding Mechanisms
- Toward Implementing the WRIA 9 Salmon Habitat Plan: Addendum to April 2009 WRIA 9 Funding Mechanism Report (May 2010)(Adobe Acrobat 1.5 MB)
- Draft Funding Mechanisms Report (April 2009)(Adobe Acrobat 1.2 MB)
- Funding Mechanism Policy Brief 1: Project History (June 2010)(Adobe Acrobat)
- Funding Mechanism Policy Brief 2: Funding Need (June 2010)(Adobe Acrobat)
- Funding Mechanism Policy Brief 3: Flood Control District Levy Increase (June 2010)(Adobe Acrobat)
- Funding Mechanism Policy Brief 4: Assessment/Fee (June 2010)(Adobe Acrobat)
- Funding Mechanism Policy Brief 5: Watershed Investment District (June 2010)(Adobe Acrobat)
- Projects/programs funded through the King Conservation District/WRIA 9 partnership during 1998-2009 (Adobe Acrobat) - see also maps:
- Map of projects/programs funded by KCD during 1999-2005 (Adobe Acrobat 2.4 MB)
- Map of projects/programs funded by KCD during 2006-2008 (Adobe Acrobat 2.4 MB)
- WRIA 9 Stormwater Retrofit Planning Project 2010-2013
- WRIA 9 Near-Term Action Agenda for Salmon Habitat Conservation (May 2002)
- 2004-2005 Implementation Progress Report (Adobe Acrobat 536 KB)
- 2003 Implementation Progress Report (Adobe Acrobat 196 KB)
- 2002 Implementation Progress Report (Adobe Acrobat 153 KB)
Studies and Technical Reports
- Technical white papers
- An Evaluation of Potential Impacts of Chemical Contaminants to Chinook Salmon in the Green-Duwamish Watershed (pdf)
- Green River Temperature and Salmon (pdf)
- A synthesis of changes in our knowledge of Chinook salmon productivity and habitat uses in WRIA 9 (pdf)
- WRIA 9 Climate Change Impacts on Salmon (pdf)
- 2014 Juvenile Salmonid Use of Aquatic Habitats in the Lower Green River (October 2017)
- Green-Duwamish River 2015 Temperature Data Compilation and Analysis (May 2017)
- Densities of Juvenile Salmon at Restored Sites in the Duwamish River Estuary Transition Zone, 2016 (March 2017)
- Illegal Water Withdrawls (August 2016)
- Your Marine Waterfront: A Guide to Protecting your Property While Promoting Healthy Shorelines (February 2016)
- Green River Juvenile Salmonid Production Evaluation: 2013 Annual Report (July 2014) (Adobe Acrobat 1.17 MB)
- Lower Green/Duwamish River Habitat Assessment 2014 (April 2014) (Adobe Acrobat 15.5 MB)
- WRIA 9 Monitoring and Adaptive Management Framework Project (2013-2014):
- WRIA 9 Monitoring and Adaptive Management (M&AM) Phase 1 Report (May 30, 2014) (Adobe Acrobat 2.05 MB)
- WRIA 9 M&AM Phase 1 Appendix (May 30, 2014) (Adobe Acrobat 1.09 MB)
- WRIA 9 Marine Shoreline Monitoring and Compliance Pilot Project Report (April 2014) (Adobe Acrobat 8 MB)
- Executive Summary (Adobe Acrobat 260 KB)
- WRIA 9 Status and Trends Monitoring Report: 2005-2011 (February 2012) (Adobe Acrobat 14 MB)
- Strategic Assessment
- WRIA 9 Strategic Assessment Report - Scientific Foundation for Salmonid Habitat Conservation (November 2005) (Adobe Acrobat 4.3 MB)
- Marine Shoreline Inventory Report (March 2004)
- Inventory and Assessment of Current and Historic Beach Feeding Sources/Erosion and Accretion Areas for the Marine Shorelines of Water Resource Inventory Areas 8 and 9 (December 2005)
- Prioritization of Marine Shorelines of WRIA 9 for Juvenile Salmonid Habitat Protection and Restoration (May 2006)
- Lower Duwamish Inventory Report (May 2004) (Adobe Acrobat 6.1 MB)
- Lower Green River Baseline Habitat Survey Report (January 2004)
- Middle Green River Levee Setback Feasibility Study (January 2013)
- Green River Baseline Habitat Monitoring - 2001 Data Report (August 2002) (Adobe Acrobat 15.7 MB) - external link
- Upper Green River Historical and Current Habitat Conditions (June 2004) (Adobe Acrobat 16 MB)
- Historical Aquatic Habitats in the Green and Duwamish River Valleys and the Elliott Bay Nearshore (September 2005)(Adobe Acrobat 17 MB)
- Assessment of Current Water Quantity Conditions in the Green River Basin -- September 2005 (Adobe Acrobat 3.8 MB)
- Figure 1-1 - Location Map (Adobe Acrobat 1 MB)
- Figure 4-1 - Chinook Distribution Map (Adobe Acrobat 1 MB)
- Figure 4-2 - Chum, Coho, Pink, and Sockeye Distribution Map (Adobe Acrobat 1 MB)
- Green-Duwamish Water Temperature Report for 2001-2003 (June 2004)
- Green-Duwamish Water Quality Report for 2001-2002 (May 2004)
- 2005 Juvenile Chinook Duwamish River Studies (May 2006) (Adobe Acrobat 4.5 MB)
- Salmonid Species Composition, Timing, Distribution, and Diet in Nearshore Marine Waters of WRIAs 8 and 9 in 2001-2002 (June 2004)
- WRIA 9 Chinook Salmon Research Framework (July 2004) (Adobe Acrobat 738 KB)
- Evaluation and Assessment of Hatchery and Wild Salmon Interactions in WRIA 9 (November 2005) (Adobe Acrobat 637 KB)
- Functional Linkages Reports Phase 1 and Phase 2 (December 2003 and November 2005)
- Tiered Conservation Hypotheses (October 2004) (Adobe Acrobat 129 KB)
- Ecosystem Services Enhanced by Salmon Habitat Conservation in the Green/Duwamish and Central Puget Sound Watershed (February 2005) (Adobe Acrobat 1.6 MB)
- WRIA 9 Habitat Limiting Factors and Reconnaissance Assessment Report (December 2000)
- State of the Nearshore Ecosystem Report for WRIAs 8 and 9 (May 2001)
- Seattle Urban Blueprint for Salmon Habitat Protection and Restoration (WRIAs 8 and 9) (December 2003)
- Olympic Sculpture Park Monitoring Website
- Large-Scale Patterns of Large Woody Debris and Upland Vegetation Among Armored and Unarmored Shorelines of Puget Sound (December 2007) (Adobe Acrobat 688 KB)
- Newaukum Creek Basin Characterization (July 2007)
- Baseline Monitoring Study of Restoration Effectiveness in the Green River (Mile 32): Processes and Habitats in the Channel and Floodplain (December 2008)
- Comprehensive Fisheries Assessment of the Mill Creek, Garrison Creek and Springbrook System (June 1995)
Maps and Mapping Tools
- Clickable Map Showing WRIA 9 Subwatersheds
- Lead Entity Habitat Work Schedule
- WRIA 9 Salmon Habitat Plan, Green/Duwamish Ecosystem Restoration Project, and Flood Control Zone District Projects in the Duwamish, Lower Green, and Middle Green River Subwatersheds (October 2007) (Adobe Acrobat 2 MB)
- Maps of projects in WRIA 9 funded by the King Conservation District
(KCD) -- see also list of KCD projects/programs funded 1998 -
2009 (Adobe Acrobat)
- Projects/programs funded by KCD during 1999-2005 (Adobe Acrobat 2.4 MB)
- Projects/programs funded by KCD during 2006-2008 (Adobe Acrobat 2.4 MB)
- Maps of Individual Subwatersheds in WRIA 9 Showing Habitat Projects Recommended in the August 2005 Salmon Habitat Plan
- Upper Green River Subwatershed (Adobe Acrobat 1.3 MB)
- Middle Green River Subwatershed (Adobe Acrobat 1.6 MB)
- Lower Green River Subwatershed (Adobe Acrobat 866 KB)
- Duwamish Estuary Subwatershed (Adobe Acrobat 362 KB)
- Marine Nearshore Subwatershed (Adobe Acrobat 1 MB)
- WRIA 9 Nearshore Maps Showing Protection and Restoration Priority Areas (2006) - see maps embedded in downloadable files
- Maps of Individual Subwatersheds in WRIA 9 from the May 2002 Near-Term Action Agenda (includes river miles)
- Upper Green River Subwatershed (Adobe Acrobat 432 KB)
- Middle Green River Subwatershed (Adobe Acrobat 329 KB)
- Lower Green River Subwatershed (Adobe Acrobat 146 KB)
- Duwamish Estuary Subwatershed (Adobe Acrobat 105 KB)
- Nearshore Subwatershed including Elliott Bay (Adobe Acrobat 328 KB)
- King County Watershed Map Showing Land Use
- King County Natural Resource Maps
- WRIA 9 Habitat Projects - iMap (high-speed internet access required)
- WRIA 9 Fish Distribution Maps (2000)
- WRIA 9 Nearshore Subwatershed Fish Presence Maps
- Vashon/Maury Island (June 2001 data)
- Nearshore Mainland for West Seattle, Burien, Normandy Park, SeaTac, Des Moines, and Federal Way (June 2003 data)
- WRIA 9 Nearshore Maps - various (2001) - scroll down to figures at bottom of page
- SalmonScape Interactive Mapping Tool - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
Other Resources
- State of Salmon: Restoring a Washington Icon (video), from the Washington Recreation and Conservation Office (2013)
- Archived E-Newsletters
- Spring 2012 (Adobe Acrobat 252 KB)
- Spring 2009 (Adobe Acrobat 280 KB)
- Fall 2008 (Adobe Acrobat 367 KB)
- Summer 2008 (Adobe Acrobat 292 KB)
- Winter 2008 (Adobe Acrobat 318 KB)
- April 2004
- August 2003
- May 2003
- February 2003
- November 2002
- June 2002
- January 2002
- September 2001
- March 2001
- February 2001
- November 2000
- October 2000
- Grant Funding Opportunities
For questions about materials on this page, contact Renee Leichliter