Salmon Habitat Plan

Image of cover of the Salmon Habitat Plan.

The Salmon Habitat Plan lists science-based projects, programs, and policies to protect and restore aquatic ecosystem health and salmon habitat in the Green/Duwamish and Central Puget Sound Watershed for the period 2006-2015.

This Plan is the local habitat-related chapter of the Puget Sound Salmon Recovery Plan.

You can download the Habitat Plan from this page.

Development of the Salmon Habitat Plan

The Plan was approved by the citizen-stakeholder Steering Committee in July 2005.

The Habitat Plan was approved by the watershed Forum of local governments in September 2005.

The Plan took effect in December 2005. All 17 local governments in the watershed had ratified the Plan by January 2006.

The Habitat Plan files on this page are the product of an extensive planning process. Years of scientific work led to the creation of a draft Habitat Plan, which was released on March 10, 2005. Following a public comment period, the citizen-stakeholder Steering Committee revised the draft during April - June 2005.

The final version of the Plan on this page was released on August 10, 2005.

Purpose of the Habitat Plan

The overall goal of the Habitat Plan is:

To protect, rehabilitate and enhance habitat to support viable salmonid populations in response the Endangered Species Act listing of Chinook salmon and bull trout using an ecosystem approach. This approach will also benefit other non-listed aquatic species.

Scientific Basis of the Habitat Plan

The scientific basis for the Habitat Plan is the Strategic Assessment.

Implementation of the Habitat Plan

Learn about implementation of the Habitat Plan since 2005.

Downloadable Habitat Plan Files

The following files are for the Salmon Habitat Plan, released August 10, 2005.

See also the 2007 amendments to the Habitat Plan.

Please use Adobe Acrobat 5.0 or higher to view these files.

Full PDF

Salmon Habitat Plan (26.9 MB)

Salmon Habitat Plan Volume II: Appendices (3.4 MB)


Front Material (892 KB)

Chapter 1.0 - Executive Summary (4.5 MB)

Chapter 2.0 - Introduction (263 KB)

Chapter 3.0 - Impacts on Salmonid Habitat in WRIA 9: History, Factors of Decline, and Policy Recommendations (3.6 MB)

Chapter 4.0 - Scientific Foundation (1.6 MB)

Chapter 5.0 - Habitat Management Strategies and Policies (895 KB)

Chapter 6.0 - Ecological Economics Foundation (254 KB)

Chapter 7.0 - Proposed Actions and Policies to Achieve a Viable Salmonid Population (317 KB)

Chapter 8.0 - Implementation Strategy (725 KB)

Chapter 9.0 - Adaptive Management and Monitoring (157 KB)

Chapter 10.0 - References (161 KB)

Volume II

Appendix cover (2.7 MB)

2007 Amendments to the Salmon Habitat Plan

In 2007, the Steering Committee and Forum approved the 2007 amendments to the Habitat Plan (Adobe Acrobat 903 KB).


Paper Copies of the Habitat Plan

Paper copies of the plan are available from:

Copies also may be viewed at the city halls of most partner cities. Contact Carla Nelson, 206-263-3050, for more information.