WRIA 8 Salmon Recovery Council Documents

Meeting Announcement:

Thursday, May 20, 2021
2:00-4:15 PM Meeting

Virtually held Video Conference

Packet Contents:

  1. WRIA 8 May 20, 2021 Meeting Agenda
  2. Meeting Summary from March 18, 2021
  3. WRIA 8 Update and Committee Report
  4. 2021 WRIA 8 State Budget Priorities Summary
  5. Letter on Proposed Asphalt Plant Along SR169 in Cedar River Basin
  6. WRIA 8 2021 CWM Grant Round Funding Recommendations
  7. WRIA 8 2022 Budget and Workplan memo
  8. 2022 WRIA 8 Final Budget
  9. 2022 WRIA 8 Final Work Plan
  10. 2022 WRIA 8 ILA Cost Share Table

The full packet is also accessible.


  1. Best Available Science Synthesis: Lake Washington Ship Canal Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen, by Lauren Urgenson, WRIA 8 Technical Coordinator
  2. 2021 Cooperative Watershed Management (CWM) Project Subcommittee Funding Recommendations, by Jason Wilkinson, WRIA 8 Project Coordinator

Meeting Overview:

Major agenda items are: discuss the letter on a proposed asphalt plant in Cedar River Basin; updates and announcements; review the 2021 CWM funding recommenations; and a presentation on Lake Washington Ship Canal Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen from Lauren Urgenson.

Upcoming Meetings:

Thursday, July 15, 2021, 2:00 - 4:15 p.m.
virtual meeting via Zoom

Mailing List:

If you did not receive this packet directly but would like to for future meetings, please contact Carla Nelson at 206-263-3050, or by e-mail carnelson@kingcounty.govv.