Contact Us
General Information
Do you want to be added to the e-mail distribution list for habitat recovery information?
If so, please contact Renee Leichliter, Administrative Coordinator, at 206-263-3050.
Team Members
The team below works on behalf of all the jurisdictions that share the Lake Washington/Cedar/Sammamish Watershed (WRIA 8).
- Jason Mulvihill-Kuntz, WRIA 8 Salmon Recovery Manager, 206-477-4780
- Mary Ramirez, WRIA 8 Technical Coordinator, 206-477-1506
- Carrie Byron, WRIA 8 Projects and Funding Coordinator, 206-573-6056
- Renee Leichliter, WRIA 8 Administrative Coordinator, (part time, shared with WRIA 7 and WRIA 9), 206-848-0836
To learn more about what is going on and whom to contact in your creek or neighborhood, visit the Local Activities and Partners page and click on the Local Action Map.
WRIA 8 Coordination Team
c/o King County WLRD
201 S. Jackson St., Ste. 6300
Seattle, WA 98104-3855
Driving Directions:
Driving directions to King Street Center, 201 S. Jackson St., Seattle