Greening Your Shoreline Banner

Why Shoreline Planting?

Natural vegetation along the lakeshore provides several benefits to the landowner and native fish and wildlife.

For a list of native plants, and to create your own custom plant list, see the King County Native Plant Guide.

Bullrush Twinberry Dogwood
Bullrush Twinberry Dogwood

Which Plants to Use

Wider buffers provide the greatest functions, but any natural vegetation along the lakeshore provides some habitat value.

Designing Your Lakeshore Planting

While there are no one-size-fits-all planting plans, many options exist for lakeshore friendly landscaping. The key to successful lakeside landscape design is to:

Shoreline Planting Example Lakeshore vegetation
Photo: J. Buehler Photo: D. Natelson

Who Can Help?

The following organizations may be able to help you plan your lakeshore planting design.