WRIA 8 Salmon Recovery Council Documents

Meeting Announcement:

Thursday, March 17, 2016
3:00-5:15 PM Meeting

Department of Ecology Northwest Regional Office
3190-160th Ave SE, Bellevue

Ecology Northwest Regional Office
Parking is FREE, but be sure not to park in the reserved Prius parking spots.

Packet Contents:

  1. Agenda
  2. Notes for the November 19, 2015 Meeting
  3. Updates & Announcements:
  4. Four-Year Work Plan Update:
  5. Presentation on the King County Land Conservation Initiative, by Bob Burns, King County (KC) Department of Natural Resources & Parks, & Michael Murphy, KC Water & Land Resources Division
  6. Presentation on Ballard Locks Infrastucture Improvements Update & Recent Fish Passage Improvement-Related Activities, by Amy Reese, Nate McGowan & Scott Pozarycki, Army Corps of Engineers
  7. Success Story: Acquisition of Wayne Golf Course on the Sammamish River, by Liz Johnston, Forterra

Meeting Overview:

Major agenda items are: Sending letter to Congressional delegation encouraging support for federal salmon recovery funding (decision); WRIA 8 sponsorship of "Our Urban Watershed" signage (decision); 2016 Four-Year Work Plan update (decision); Presentation on the King County Land Conservation Inititative; Presentation on the Ballard Locks infrastructure improvements update & recent fish passage improvement-related activities; & Success Story presentation on acquisition of Wayne Golf Course on the Sammamish River in Bothell.

Upcoming Meetings:

Mailing List:

If you did not receive this packet directly but would like to for future meetings, please contact Jason Mulvihill-Kuntz, at 206-477-4780, or by e-mail at jason.mulvihill-kuntz@kingcounty.gov.