Snohomish Basin Protection Plan
Background: Historical flow patterns and volumes are shifting in the Snohomish Basin as a result of changing land uses and climate change. Human activities—such as addition of impervious surfaces, loss of tree cover, traditional stormwater conveyance systems, and water withdrawals—are contributing to altered watershed processes, degraded water quality, loss of wetlands and riparian forests, and degraded shoreline conditions.
With funding from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, watershed partners developed the Snohomish Basin Protection Plan to identify strategies to prevent the degradation of hydrologic processes that support salmon or salmon habitat, and also provide numerous other services, such as flood control, clean drinking water and irrigation supplies. The report identifies geographic areas that are important to the goal of protecting hydrology, and examines new and existing tools to help support that goal. Through the protection of hydrology, the SBPP aims to ultimately protect habitat quality, quantity, and heterogeneity for fish and wildlife.
Appendix B of the report was formally adopted by the Snohomish Basin Salmon Recovery Forum in November 2015 as an addendum to the Salmon Recovery Plan.
Download Here:
- Complete Report including all appendices
- Appendix A - Technical Approach
- Appendix B - Salmon Plan Protection Strategy Update
For more information about the report, please contact Beth leDoux.