About the Snoqualmie Watershed Forum

The Snoqualmie Watershed Forum is a partnership between the Snoqualmie Tribe, the Tulalip Tribes, King County, the cities of Duvall, Carnation, North Bend and Snoqualmie, and the Town of Skykomish. These partners have entered into an interlocal agreement to work together on watershed issues. Members include elected officials from each of the eight jurisdictions and three citizen representatives, as well as a non-governmental organizations representative and the King Conservation District.

The Snoqualmie Watershed Forum has been successful at fostering collaboration among local governments and providing a place to openly discuss watershed issues. Among its broader activities, the Forum provides a mechanism for coordinating and implementing water resource and habitat projects in the Snoqualmie and South Fork Skykomish Watersheds.

The Snoqualmie Watershed Forum has been an active partner in the Snohomish Basin (WRIA 7) Salmon Recovery Forum since its inception and was a core contributor to the Snohomish Basin Salmon Conservation Plan. Since the Plan’s completion in 2005, the Snoqualmie Forum has coordinated salmon recovery implementation in our portion of the Snohomish Basin which represents about half of the basin land area. The Forum also undertakes a variety of educational and outreach activities aimed at building local stewardship and enhancing on-the-ground partnerships.

Since 1998, the Snoqualmie Watershed Forum has made significant accomplishments in projects to adress salmon recovery, water quality and flooding. In this timeframe the Forum has:

The Forum works on:

Position or Affiliation
Henry Sladek - Chair Mayor, Town of Skykomish
Ryan Miller -Vice Chair Environmental Liaison, Tulalip Tribes
Mark Joselyn City of North Bend
Cindy Spiry Director, Environment and Natural Resources, Snoqualmie Tribe
Rick Shaffer Councilmember, Duvall
Louis Washington Councilmember, Snoqualmie
Sarah Perry Councilmember, King County
Jim Ribail Deputy Mayor, Carnation
Kirstin Haugen Supervisor, King Conservation District
Alexis Bauer Resident, King County Council District 3
Ed Hazen Resident, Snoqualmie Valley Govt's Association
Becky Chaney Resident, King County Council District 3
Kate Fancher Non-profit representative, Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust
Micah Wait (Alternate) Non-profit representative, Wild Fish Conservancy
Ryan Burrell (Alternate) Councilmember, Carnation
Vacant (Alternate) Councilmember, Duvall
Mary Miller (Alternate) Mayor, North Bend
Bryan Holloway (Alternate) Councilmember, Snoqualmie
Libby Hollingshead (Alternate) King County Council District 3

For more information about the Forum, contact Elissa Ostergaard, Snoqualmie Salmon Recovery Manager.

What is a Watershed?

Watershed Diagram

Watersheds are also called Water Resource Inventory Areas (WRIAs).

A watershed is a basin-shaped area that drains to a central point where it enters a river, lake or ocean. It can include groundwater and surface water as well as salt water like Puget Sound. Watersheds can encompass small areas draining to a stream and also be part of much larger areas, spanning multiple counties, like the Snoqualmie/Skykomish Watershed.

How Does Our Watershed Support People and Salmon?

The Snoqualmie Watershed:

  1. Is the largest and most forested watershed in King County, at nearly 700 square miles.
  2. Male Chum SalmonSupports wild chinook, coho, chum, and pink salmon runs, as well as steelhead, rainbow, cutthroat, and bull trout populations.
  3. One of the basins with the highest potential for salmon recovery in Puget Sound; will play a major role in the recovery of chinook, listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act.
  4. Has one of the largest coho runs in Puget Sound, in Griffin Creek.
  5. Is mostly rural - approximately 75 percent of the watershed is forested, and most of the floodplain below the falls is in agriculture.

For additional details about the Snoqualmie-Skykomish Watershed, visit the King County Web page.