2021 Ex-officio Member Application Materials
The Forum is currently seeking interested applicants for one ex-officio seat:
Citizen Representative appointed by the Snoqualmie Valley Governments Association
Applicants must reside in a city, town or rural population center (i.e. Carnation, Duvall, North Bend, Skykomish, Snoqualmie, Fall City, Preston, Snoqualmie Pass) in the Snoqualmie or South Fork Skykomish watersheds.
Please download the information sheet and application form. You may complete the application electronically in MS Word and submit by e-mail, or print it and fill it out manually.
Return the completed application form by mail or e-mail no later than Friday, April 16 to:
Carla Nelson
Snoqualmie Watershed Forum
King County Water & Land Resources Division
201 S. Jackson Street, Suite 5600
Seattle, Washington 98104
Tel. (206) 263.3050
e-mail: Carnelson@kingcounty.gov