Working together to connect urban dwellers to nature as stewards of our native kokanee salmon and our shared watershed

Sammamish kokanee pair spawningHabitat Restoration actitivies with Brighton Elementary School at Lake Sammamish State Park

Issaquah Salmon DaysSecretary of Interior Sally Jewell and King County Executive Dow Constantine – Kokanee Salmon Fry Release, April 2014

Great blue heronLake Sammamish kayak nature tour

An Urban Refuge Where Humans And Wildlife Coexist - KCTS 9 EarthFix, July 25, 2016

Interpretive Plan: Lake Sammamish Urban Wildlife Refuge Partnership (1.34 Mb)
The Interpretive Plan offers guidance and strategies on how partners can collaborate and the public can enjoy opportunities to connect to the environment in the Lake Sammamish basin.

Sign up for Urban Wildlife Refuge Partnership email:

Home page photos (italic = credit): 1/ Bill Priest, King County 2/ Habitat Restoration actitivies with Brighton Elementary School at Lake Sammamish State Park, Mountains to Sound Greenway 3/ Issaquah Salmon Days, PEMCO Insurance 4/ Secretary of Interior Sally Jewell and King County Executive Dow Constantine – Kokanee Salmon Fry Release – April 2014, USFWS 5/ WSPRC 6/ Lake Sammamish kayak nature tour, Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission

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