Known Freshwater Distribution of Salmon and Trout
We produced these maps to create a consistent, shared understanding of what is known and not known about salmon and trout distribution and to Identify areas where improvements to hydrographic information (e.g., channel location and configuration) are and are not needed. This is an initial step toward a longer term WRIA-based effort to produce regular updates to maps depicting salmon and trout distribution and hydrography and make them available to a broad audience.
Salmon and Trout Maps
Please read the disclaimer that precedes each downloadable pdf map / data table on the following map pages.
Process for Compiling Salmonid Distribution Maps
The initial steps of salmonid distribution mapping project relied primarily upon the direct knowledge of technical staff regarding distribution, documentation of distribution in reports and studies, and existing depictions (i.e., GIS layers) of river and stream channel location and configuration. To gather this information, technical staff from jurisdictions, agencies, tribes and stakeholder groups participated in an information-sharing workshop in May of 1999. At the initial workshop, only data from 1985 to 1999 was included. In February of 2000, the WRIA 8 Technical Committee met and decided to include data from 1970 to 2000 as long as the data was collected under standard protocols. This was done due to the large numbers of surveys in the early 70's done by WDFW.
The fish data on the map is represented with lines and points. Each point has specific data corresponding to it in the data table. The table includes the source of the sighting, stream name, and a description of the sighting. Many of the points also have information on the lifestage and year of the sighting. These categories were added after the initial workshop so not all the points have this data. The only fish attribute shown on the maps is first and second hand distribution information. First hand data (red) represents fish seen by the source in the data table. Second hand data (green) represents information given to the source by another person (i.e. fishermen, homeowners).
List of Participants for the Fish Distribution Maps
Name | Organization |
Anderson, Jessica | King County DNR |
Bauman, Kerry | King County DNR |
Berge, Hans | King County DNR |
Bikle, Anne | King County DNR |
Bixler, Eric | Seattle Public Utilities |
Brewer, Scott | King County DNR |
Carrasco, Ken | King County DNR |
Chase, Richard | City of Kent |
Clayton, Geoff | Seattle Chamber of Commerce |
Connor, Ed | R2 Resource Consultants |
Conroy, Steve | King County DDES |
Cutler, Jennifer | Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission |
Dutton, Bob | King County Dept. of Transportation |
Finney, Don | King County DDES |
Fisher, Larry | Wash. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife |
Foley, Steve | Wash. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife |
Fresh, Kurt | Wash. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife |
Fritz, Rob | King County Dept. of Transportation |
Gagner, Mike | R2 Resource Consultants |
Gilbert, Steve | King County DNR |
Haemmerle, Howard | King County Dept. of Transportation |
Heller, Ray | King County DNR |
Higgins, Kollin | King County DNR |
Houck, Doug | King County DNR |
Johnson, Alan | King County DDES |
Kerwin, John | Conservation Commission |
Kurko, Keith | Seattle Public Utilities |
Lackey, Brent | King County DNR |
Lakey, Kirk | WDFW |
Leonetti, Frank | Snohomish County SWM |
Lester, Deb | King County DNR |
Lombard, John | King County DNR |
Lucchetti, Gino | King County DNR |
Lynch, Katherine | Seattle Public Utilities |
Managhan, Josh | King Conservation District |
Martz, Merri | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |
Mattila, Jim | King County DNR |
Mavros, Bill | King County DNR |
Mighetto, Lisa | Historical Research Associates |
Miller, Tina | King County DNR |
O'Laughlin, Kate | King County DNR |
O'Rollins, Laird | King County DNR |
Ostergaard, Elissa | King County DNR |
Paulsen, Kit | City of Bellevue Utilities |
Pfeifer, Bob | Wash. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife |
Poels, Greg | King County DDES |
Priest,Bill | King County DNR |
Schneider, Larry | Wash. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife |
Sprague, Wes | King County DNR |
Steiner, David | Adopt-A-Stream |
Steward, Cleve | Sustainable Fisheries Foundation |
Tabor, Roger | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
Tiffany, Chris | King County DDES |
Walter, Karen | Muckleshoot Indian Tribe |
Warner, Eric | Muckleshoot Indian Tribe |
White, Jean | King County DNR |
Kollin Higgins, Project Manager, King County DNR
Ken Rauscher, GIS analyst, King County DNR
Megann Devine, King County DNR