Known Freshwater Distribution of Coho Salmon
This map depicts the known freshwater distribution of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) for Water Resource Inventory Area (WRIA) 8. The depicted limits of known freshwater distribution of coho salmon are based upon the collective personal knowledge of participants in the WRIA 8 mapping project and data they gathered from published and unpublished databases.
This map may underestimate or overestimate the actual distribution of coho salmon. Also, this map may inaccurately depict the location of water bodies. For example, some water bodies may be incorrectly located on this map, or may not be depicted on this map at all. All users of this map should seek the assistance of qualified professionals such as surveyors, hydrologists, or fishery biologists as needed to ensure that such users possess complete, precise, and up to date information on freshwater coho salmon distribution and water body location.
The information depicted on this map is current as of May 2001. This map may be revised at any time. Although the WRIA 8 Technical Committee intends to revise this map on an annual basis, the WRIA 8 Technical Committee cannot and does not guarantee that this map will be revised on an annual basis or at any other interval.
No Express or Implied Warranties; No Warranty of Merchantability; No Warranty of Fitness for a Particular Purpose.
There are not express or implied warranties for this map, the information it depicts, the data on which it is based, or any service furnished herein. There is no warranty of merchantability for this map's accuracy or its depiction of coho salmon distribution or water body location. This map is not warranted as fit for a particular purpose.
Map & Data Download
The Freshwater Distribution of Coho Salmon map is available in Version 4 of Adobe Acrobat Reader. For help using Adobe Acrobat, please visit our Acrobat help page.
The map file size is 2,252 Kb and will take approximately 10 minutes to download using a 28.8 Kb/s modem. Click here to download the map. An accompanying table includes sources and descriptions for the data points depicted on the map. These points were used to ascertain the Coho salmon distribution. The table is available in Microsoft Excel 97 format.Click here to download the table.