Summary of Salmon Habitat Projects

# Project Name (status) Project Description Date/ Round Funded Amount Awarded
Salmon Recovery Funding Board Projects (SRFB)
1. Cedar River/Taylor Creek Confluence (in process) Acquisition of approximately 10 acres of forested riparian floodplain on the mainstem of the Cedar River. The property includes the lowermost reach of Taylor Creek that meanders through a large floodplain wetland just before entering the river. Round I, 2000 170,000
2. Upper Bear Creek Conservation Area (complete) Acquire partial timber rights on 791 undeveloped, forested acres in the headwaters of Bear Creek. This property is part of the Paradise Valley Conservation Area, which is a regionally significant resource area. Round I, 2000 250,000
3. Bear Creek Waterways, Reach D (in process) Project to acquire 2.5 acres of forested property with wetlands and two streams on Bear Creek. Property is contiguous to 40 acres of natural resource park and open space properties. Round I, 2000 150,000
4. Cedar River/Ricardi Reach (in process) Acquisition of approximately 22 acres of forested riparian floodplain spanning both sides of the Cedar River. Northern portion of floodplain on right bank includes a spring-fed tributary of the Cedar River. Future floodplain restoration and levee removal planned for this site. (also see SRFB #14) Round II, 2001 212,500
5. Upper Bear Creek (complete) Project to acquire the remaining timber rights associated with project #2 above. Round II, 2001 250,000
6. Rock Creek/ Ravensdale-Retreat (in process) Acquisition of approximately 135 acres along one-mile of Rock Creek, including forested and scrub-shrub wetlands, pond habitats and second growth coniferous forest. Round II, 2001 200,000
7. Cedar River/Dorre Don Meanders Reach (in process) Grant funds the acquisition of approximately 6 acres of forested floodplain within the Dorre Don Reach of the mainstem of the Cedar River. Builds on past habitat protection efforts in this reach of the river. Round II, 2001 170,000
8. Issaquah /Holder Creek Acquisition (in process) Grant funds the acquisition of approximately 124 acres on five properties along Holder Creek, a primary tributary of Issaquah Creek. Protects approximately 4,850 feet of streams, links Tiger Mt. State Park and King County's Taylor Mt. Forest Park. Round II, 2001 200,000
9. Bear Creek/ Cold Creek Natural Area (in process) This acquisition will preserve approximately 5.6 acres of undeveloped forested parcels of land in the Cold Creek Natural Area. This water is 5-7 degrees Celsius colder than Bear Creek and helps provide vital habitat conditions to threatened chinook salmon, which spawn in Bear and Cottage Lake Creeks each fall. Round III, 2002 289,000
10. Cedar River, Jones Bend (in process) This project will protect approximately 7.5 acres within the Jones Bend reach of the lower Cedar River. Round III, 2002 255,000
11. Issaquah Creek/ Carey Creek (in process) This conservation easement will protect approximately 10 acres of forested riparian area and adjacent uplands in Carey Creek, a headwater tributary of Issaquah Creek that contains some of the best remaining habitat in the basin. Round III, 2002 60,000
12. Renton Lions Club Spawning and Rearing Channel Feasibility Study (in process) The project will assess the feasibility and design a spawning/rearing channel on the Lions Club's 15-acre property on the Cedar River. If restoration project is done in the future it is expected to provide habitat for chinook, coho, steelhead, sockeye, and cutthroat. Round III, 2002 26,890
13. Issaquah/Log Cabin Reach Acquisition (in process) Acquire eight parcels along Issaquah Creek in the Middle Issaquah Creek Basin including 152 acres of mature forests, wetlands and a riparian corridor along 1-¼ miles of both sides of Issaquah Creek. Round IV, 2003 708,671
14. Cedar Rapids Floodplain Reconnection (in process) Project to acquire an additional 5 acres in "Cedar Rapids" Reach of the Cedar River and pay for the design of a large levee removal and floodplain restoration on the site. Project builds on past SRFB award, project #4, to protect ~20 acres on the Cedar River mainstem and past King County flood buyouts on the site. Round IV, 2003 424,000
King Conservation District Funds (KCD)
1. Ballard Locks Smolt Passage Improvements (complete) Provide cost-share to the Corps of Engineers for fish passage improvements at the Ballard Locks to reduce mortality of juvenile salmon. This includes installation of strobe lights at the entrance to filling culverts; smolt slides to improve juvenile salmon outmigration and removal of barnacles along filling culvert walls. KCD 1998/99 $448,000 ($157,750 was loan that was repaid)
2. Cedar River Opportunity Fund 1998/99 (complete) This fund allows for greater flexibility to respond to opportunities and/or threats to existing high-quality habitat or to sites that are well suited for habitat restoration in the Cedar River. It also can assist with flood buyouts and levee removal projects and help to leverage other funds for habitat acquisitions, restoration and flood buyout opportunities. $138,975 allocated in 1998/99. Funds were used to purchase ~6 acres on Cedar River (RM 12.8-13). Property was threatened with development and is a site recommended for future habitat restoration. KCD 1998/99 $138,975
3. Cedar River Opportunity Fund 2000 (complete) $100,000 allocated to Cedar River Opportunity Fund in 2000. ~$75,000 of the funds were used to assist in completing two voluntary buyouts of frequently flooded properties on the Cedar River:
  • Bucks Curve Buyout acquisition of .84 acre of riverfront property within Buck’s Curve flood buyout area.
  • Rainbow Bend Buyout acquisition of .65 acres riverfront parcel located in hazardous flood area (Rainbow Bend).
Remaining fund $24,000 will be combined with 2001 Cedar River Opportunity Funds for allocation.
KCD 2000 $100,000
4. Corps of Engineers Ecosystem Studies (complete) Project to provide cost-share to Corps of Engineers for Ecosystem Restoration Studies in WRIA 8 watershed. Funded a study of the location and movement of spawning gravel in the lower Cedar River. KCD 1998/99 $27,500
5. Kelsey Creek Passage Improvements (complete) Project improved fish passage in Kelsey Creek at River mile 2.8 opening up over 5 miles of upstream spawning and rearing habitat for chinook and other salmon species. Area was choked with non-native reed canary grass. KCD 1998/99 $31,000
6. Chinook Surveys, Cedar River (complete) Project purpose was to conduct surveys of chinook and chinook redds on the Cedar River during the 1999, 2000 and 2001 spawning seasons. KCD funds paid for King County's participation in the surveys and data analysis and reporting. KCD 1998/99 2000 2001 Phase I $21,150 $20,000 $26,560
7. Lyon Creek Waterfront Preserve (complete) Grant contributed to the purchase of 3/4 acre lakefront property at the mouth of Lyon Creek, including 100 feet of lake shoreline and 250 feet of Lyon Creek. Juvenile chinook in Lake Washington tend to concentrate at the mouths of creeks to feed. For salmon that leave Sammamish River and entering Lake Washington, this is the first creek mouth they encounter. KCD 2000 $57,000
8. May Creek Canyon Restoration (In process) Project is to install large woody debris and/or boulders in key locations in the May Creek Canyon to stabilize down-cutting stream channel to control sediment transport and erosion. Also will apply slope treatments, remove non-native, invasive plant species, re-vegetate stream banks and plant conifers. KCD 2000 $50,000
9. Kelsey Creek Fish Ladder (in process) Project is to replace a poorly functioning historic fish ladder at the entry point to over 19 miles of habitat in the Kelsey Creek basin. Existing ladder impedes fish passage at high flows, causing salmon to hold in the warmer water of Lake Washington. KCD 2000 $50,000
10. Juanita Creek Habitat Assessment (Complete) Grant funded Juanita Creek Habitat Assessment. The purpose of these assessments was to determine the locations of high and low quality instream habitat in order to help target acquisition and restoration efforts in this watershed. KCD 2000 $15,000
11. Cedar River Naturalist Program (Complete) Grant provided signage, brochures, postage and other support costs for Cedar River Naturalist program, which trains volunteers to talk with the public about salmon at selected viewing sites on the Cedar River and the Ballard Locks. KCD 2000 $8,000
12. Little Bear Creek 132nd Avenue NE culvert removal (in process) Funded through 50/50 (regional/local) match program to support fish habitat enhancement and passage improvement projects in the Sammamish watershed. Project is to improve fish passage on Little Bear Creek at 132nd Avenue NE in City of Woodinville. KCD 1998/99 $35,000
13.. Issaquah Creek Bank/Habitat Improvement (in process) Funded through 50/50 (regional/local) match program to support fish habitat enhancement and passage improvement projects in the Sammamish watershed. Streambanks revegetated, large woody debris added and riparian plantings done in 2000. Johnson property was flood damaged shortly after installed. Additional work to be done in 2003 to repair damage including:
  1. installation of additional logs along the scoured bank for fish habitat and erosion protection;
  2. shifting and strengthening of logs placed in the original restoration work; 3) planting of willow and dogwood stakes along the scoured bank.
KCD 1998/99 $22,000
14. Little Bear Culvert repair, NE 205 Street (complete) 50/50 (regional/local) match program to support fish habitat enhancement and passage improvement projects in the Sammamish watershed. Project improved fish passage on Little Bear Creek at NE 205 Street in Woodinville. KCD 2000 $17,000
15. Habitat Enhancement on Issaquah Creek at Sycamore Site (in process) 50/50 (regional/local) match program to support fish habitat enhancement and passage improvement projects in the Sammamish watershed. The project will include:
  1. Removal of an old concrete road abutment on Issaquah Creek that restricts flood flows and aggravates local flooding
  2. Removal of a rock and concrete levee and associated fill along Issaquah in former platted lots that were acquired by the City of Issaquah as part of a floodplain buyout program.
  3. Installation of instream log structures for habitat; and
  4. Slanting of streamside vegetation to provide stream shading and bank stability.
Construction 2004.
KCD 2000 $25,000
16. Issaquah Waterways/Holder Creek (in process) KCD funds were used to match a Salmon Recovery Funding Board grant for protecting 124 acres on Holder Creek.
KCD (1998-99) $210,000
17. Sammamish Program Manager/Coordinator (complete) The Sammamish Watershed Coordinator was responsible for the following:
  • staffing the Sammamish Watershed Forum and related staff groups,
  • providing support to the Lake Sammamish and Sammamish River management efforts;
  • providing support to local jurisdictions on regional projects; and
serving as a regional liaison with watershed and WRIA programs for local governments.
KCD 1998-99 2000 $35,000 $40,000
18. Bear Creek/Sammamish Tributaries Chinook Spawner Surveys (in process) This project involves carrying out wild chinook spawner surveys in 1999 and 2001 on Bear and Cottage Lake creeks with ancillary surveys of Little Bear, North, and Swamp creeks in the King County portion of these systems. The surveys provide critical information on timing, distribution and habitat use of spawners, as well as the collection of tissue samples for genetic analysis. KCD 1998-99 $62,000
19. Sammamish Watershed Stewardship, Monitoring/Education Program 1999 and 2000 (complete) Sammamish Watershed Monitoring/Education Program recruited and trained volunteers for maintaining and monitoring habitat restoration sites, coordinated volunteer and other stewardship efforts in the watershed, provided education and outreach concerning stewardship, and promoted stable, long-term funding for watershed protection efforts. 1998-99 2000 $20,000 $33,000
20. Best Management Practices Initiative (complete) In Nov. 2000 and Jan./Feb. 2001, six workshops were held promoting best management practices for horse owners. Workshop subjects included Mud Management, Manure Management and Stream and Wetland Buffer Protection. KCD 1998-99 $10,000
21. Juvenile Salmon Use of the Sammamish River Study (complete) Study documented juvenile salmon use of available habitat in the Sammamish River and select tributaries. KCD 2000 $20,000 Additional $20,000 allocated to this study in 2001.
22. Early Run Kokanee Conservation Program (complete) Project funded the development of an Early-run Kokanee Recovery Strategy, Kokanee surveys, assessment of the factors of decline for Kokanee in the Lake Sammamish watershed and installing and operating a weir in 2001 (as the first step in implementing a supplementation plan for Kokanee). KCD 2000 $45,000
23. Little Bear Creek Habitat Acquisition Project (complete) To protect ~23 acres of key salmon spawning habitat on Little Bear Creek within City of Woodinville. KCD 2000 $55,500
24. Carey Creek Reach Issaquah Creek Waterways (complete) Constructed 1,400 lineal feet of fence to exclude livestock from the 10-acre riparian conservation easement area on Carey Creek, an important tributary to Issaquah Creek. The conservation easement was purchased with matching SRFB grant. KCD 2001 Phase I $13,372 KCD
25. Salmon Bay Natural Area (Phase I complete; Phase II in process) Phase I: Assist in purchasing last undeveloped shoreline on Seattle's Salmon Bay waterway. Phase II: Assist in completing acquisition of last parcel of Salmon Bay Natural Area, develop a restoration plan, do the re-vegetation of the upland portion of the property and monitor project. KCD 2001 Phase I KCD 2002 $50,000 KCD 2001 $150,000
26. Cedar River Chinook Redd Surveys - Seattle, 2002 Season (in process) Project supports the City of Seattle's participation in chinook surveys for the Cedar River during the 2002 spawning season. KCD 2001 Phase I $27,750 KCD
27. Cedar River Opportunity Fund 2001 (in process) Fund provides greater flexibility in responding to opportunities in Cedar River conservation efforts. Types of projects appropriate for this funding: preserving future habitat restoration opportunities; assisting in flood buyouts where there are habitat benefits; levee removal and habitat restoration projects; and leveraging other funds for habitat acquisition. 2001 funds will be used to complete two flood buyouts with future habitat restoration opportunities: Cedar River Natural Banks Project and Landslide Buyout. KCD 2001 Phase I $100,000
28. Cold Creek Headwaters Acquisition (in process) Acquire 5.6 acres of critical habitat in Cold Creek Natural Area. Match to Salmon Recovery Funding Board application for $289,000. KCD 2001 Phase I $51,000 KCD
29. Sammamish ReLeaf 1999, 2000, 2002 & 2003 (2003 in process, rest complete) An annual, inter-jurisdictional initiative to improve habitat value along the Sammamish River by coordinating volunteer plantings of native trees and shrubs. Since 1997, over 4,000 volunteers have planted and helped maintain over 40,000 native plants. In fall 2003, five volunteer planting and restoration maintenance events will be held on 5 previous Sammamish ReLeaf sites. KCD 98/99 2000 2001 Phase I 2002 $60,000 $55,000 $133,500 $51,000
30. Salmon Watcher Program 1999, 2000, 2001 & 2003 (complete, except 2003) Multi-jurisdictional program trains and utilizes volunteers record the presence of salmon throughout the Greater Lake Washington Watershed and Central Puget Sound drainages biweekly throughout the spawning season. KCD 1999 KCD 2000 KCD 2001 Phase I Lake WA Studies 2002 $20,000 $24,500 $55,750 $76,000
31. Sammamish Valley Floor Redmond 74 Acquisition (in process) Acquisition of 20 undeveloped acres in the Sammamish Valley adjacent to Sammamish River Trail near river mile 10 on the east bank. Site has opportunities for future salmon habitat restoration. KCD 2001 Phase II $150,000 KCD
32. WRIA 8 Strategic Assessment Phase I & II (Phase I complete; Phase II in process) Hire consultant to assist the WRIA 8 Technical Committee in developing and running a watershed assessment model for the WRIA 8 watershed. Will provide information needed for development of the final salmon conservation plan. KCD 2001 Phase II $100,000 KCD
33. Rock Creek RM 0.3 Acquisition (complete) Acquire 2.1 acres of high quality riparian forest along 250 feet of lower Rock Creek at RM 0.3. KCD 2001 Phase II $92,000
34. Differential Migratory Success of WRIA 8 Juvenile Salmonids (in process) Study to measure differential migratory success and survival of juvenile salmon in WRIA 8 watershed. Juvenile chinook will be tagged from Bear Creek and Cedar River and tracked at key points on their migration route to salt water. KCD 2001 Phase II 2002 $119,125 KCD $75,000
35. 2002 & 2003 Lake Washington Basin Chinook Studies (in process) To conduct chinook spawner surveys during the 2002 and 2003 spawning season on lower Cedar River and its salmon-bearing tributaries, Bear Creek, Cottage Lake Creek, North Creek and Little Bear Creek. Chinook carcasses will also be collected for analysis in these subareas. KCD 2001 Phase II Lake WA Study Funds $45,528 $117,442
36. Seward Park Shoreline Restoration Improve shallow water habitat for juvenile chinook around perimeter of Seward Park. Builds on past pilot project done by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. KCD 2002 $150,000
37. Pickering Farm Community Teaching Garden (in process) Hire part-time coordinator to run series of Salmon Friendly Landscaping classes, organize garden work parties and help fund Pickering Farm Community Teaching Garden, a salmon friendly demonstration garden.
KCD 2002 $26,500
38. Sammamish River Habitat Enhancement (in process) To restore a section of the Sammamish River within City of Redmond between Redmond Way and abandoned BN Railway bridge to enhance the riparian corridor and in-stream habitat for fish, birds and mammals. KCD 2002 $150,000
39. Cedar River Opportunity Fund 2004 Funds to respond quickly to opportunities associated with flood buyouts to protect and restore habitat along the lower Cedar River and to provide match for other salmon conservation funding sources for Cedar River habitat projects. KCD 2003 $120,000
40. 2004 Lake Washington Basin Chinook Redd and Carcass Surveys WRIA 8 chinook redd and carcass surveys in lower Cedar River and its tributaries, Bear and Cottage Lake Creeks, North Creek and Little Bear Creek. KCD 2003 $106,826
41. Little Bear Creek Restoration and Stewardship Development Project (Aquisition completed as part of project #23 above) Implement habitat restoration on Little Bear Creek within 18-acre Rotary Community Park. Local students and community groups will be involved in hands-on restoration work on site. KCD 2003 $38,200
42. Issaquah Creek Aquatic and Riparian Restoration Project Restore aquatic and riparian processes and habitat along Issaquah Creek, Holder and Carey Creeks in the middle and upper basins. Work will be done on private property with landowners that have expressed interest in riparian and streambank restoration on their property. KCD 2003 $73,750
43. Hiram M. Chittenden Locks Fish Passage Adult PIT Tag Detection Project Install and operate a PIT tag reader in the fish ladder at the Locks. System will detect PIT tagged adult salmon (tagged as juveniles) when they return to spawn and add to knowledge about marine survival, and fish use of Locks. KCD 2003 $40,000
44. Lower Peters Creek Restoration
(tributary to the Sammamish River)
In-stream and riparian restoration of 1,575 feet of Peters Creek between 151st NE and culvert (with fish weirs) at outfall to Sammamish River. KCD 2003 $92,800
45. Salmon Watcher Program (2004-2005) Program trains volunteers to record salmonid presence at sites throughout WRIA 8 during salmon spawning season. Data is published and disseminated. KCD 2003 $41,622
46. Historic Conditions Analysis of the Puget Sound Lowland Rivers, Deltas and Marine Shorelines Collection of historic materials, GIS development and analysis of historic conditions for WRIA 8 lowland freshwater and marine shoreline watershed areas. Information will be used for a Puget Sound historic conditions analysis currently underway that includes WRIA 8. GIS tools developed through this project will be available for use by WRIA 8 and others. KCD 2003 $50,000
47. Beach Naturalist Program Program trains volunteers to educate general public about beach conservation and increase awareness of link between nearshore environments and salmon survival. Volunteers work on 7 beaches, including 3 in WRIA 8. KCD 2003 $8,500
48. Salmon Friendly Water Conservation Demonstration Garden Grant will fund soil preparation and educational signage for a salmon-friendly water conservation demonstration garden along west side of Sammamish River. KCD 2003 $25,500
Waterworks Forum Initiative
1. Lyon Creek Waterfront Preserve (complete) Grant contributed to the purchase of ¾-acre lakefront property at the mouth of Lyon Creek, including 100 feet of lake shoreline and 250 feet of Lyon Creek. Juvenile chinook in Lake Washington tend to concentrate at the mouths of creeks to feed. For salmon that leave Sammamish River and entering Lake Washington, this is the first creek mouth they encounter. 2000 $50,000
2. McAleer Creek Improvement Project (complete) To do riparian restoration on McAleer Creek in Animal Acres Park 2001 $50,000
3. North Creek / Twin Creeks Recovery Project (in process) To restore streambank stability, add large woody debris, and plant native riparian vegetation in 1,600 foot segment of North Creek. Waterworks Forum Initiative funds were matched with a grant fromNOAA's Community Restoration Progam (CRP). WW 2002 And NOAA CRP $50,000

4. Rock Creek / Crow Marsh Conservation Easement (in process) To secure conservation easements to protect approximately 25 acres of Crow Marsh. Part of a larger effort to protect 200-acre wetland complex.
2002 $50,000
5. Issaquah Restoration Stewardship Program Project will continue and increase community restoration and maintenance of 50 acres of riparian habitat owned by the City of Issaquah along Issaquah and Tibbets Creeks. The goal is to double the number of volunteer hours for riparian weed control, bring in professional weed eradication on some sites and plant 1,000 more native trees and shrubs along Issaquah Creek. Educational signs will be installed at six heavily used restoration areas. A mini-curriculum will be developed to help volunteers learn about what they can do in their own lives to help salmon.
2003 $36,100