WRIA 8 Salmon Recovery Council Documents

Meeting Announcement:

Thursday, January 17, 2019
2:00-4:15 PM Meeting

Puget Sound Room- 1ABC
Department of Ecology
Northwest Regional Office
3190 160th Ave SE, Bellevue, WA

Department of Ecology
Parking is FREE.

Packet Contents:

  1. Agenda
  2. November 15, 2018 SRC Meeting Notes
  3. January Updates and Committee Report
  4. WRIA 8 SRC meeting themes
  5. Four-Year Work Plan Update
  6. WRIA 8 2019 Budget with Snohomish County options
  7. WRIA 8 2019 Workplan with Snohomish County options
  8. WRIA 8 2019 ILA Cost Share with Snohomish County options
  9. Habitat Goals Monitoring Table

The full packet is also accessible.


  1. Salmon Heroes Video for WRIA 8, Tara Luckie, Environmental Science Center
  2. WRIA 8 Habitat Restoration Monitoring: Update on Goals and Baseline Information, Scott Stolnack, WRIA 8

Meeting Overview:

Major agenda items are: decision on 2019 WRIA 8 budget and work plan adjustment options to address loss of Snohomish County cost share; discussion on monitoring habitat restoration metrics; and success story on the Salmon Heroes Program.

Upcoming Meetings:

Salmon Recovery Council, Thursday, March 21, 2018, 2:00 p.m. to 4:15 p.m., Mercer Island Community Center, 8236 SE 24th Street, Mercer Island, WA

Mailing List:

If you did not receive this packet directly but would like to for future meetings, please contact Laura West, at 206-477-7574, or by e-mail lwest@kingcounty.gov.